Monday, December 30, 2019

Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1219 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/09/25 Category Advertising Essay Type Analytical essay Tags: Study Essay Success Essay Did you like this example? [The words â€Å"Running head:† must be included in the running head on the title page only. ] Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success Mark Baravik HCS/504 September 3rd, 2010 Jill Grundy Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success Graduate education is a decision, which must not be taken lightly. It [Reword – Do not begin a sentence with the word â€Å"it†. ] is an important goal I took after; I had to understand all plusses and minuses of this exiting journey. Decisions should be made after serious consideration of personal and professional goals (Kramer, 2007). Graduate education involves in it itself multiple challenges, which require an individual to come up with strategies to overcome this problems to succeed. Some of the obstacles that I may anticipate while completing my education are: difficulties with family especially children, work, and procrastination. [Good introduction. ] [Level 1 heading missing. ] Family is a chal lenge of an emotional kind. These There [spelling error] are most important people in my life, [remove comma] for whom I want to give everything I can: better school or daycare, clothing, house, life [Add comma (Use commas between items in a series. Place a comma before and in a series)] and so on. In my culture [Add comma (Use a comma to set off most introductory elements)] people say that if a child has a better life than a parent than the parent’s life was not wasted. In addition [insert comma] higher education in nursing is an expensive commodity, but it already brought lots of happiness and success to my life, [Use period instead of a comma. ] I look for ward forward [spelling error] to learning and growing with my family. Family is very demanding part of my life, around which it revolves. So the challenge is: how would steel [unclear] be there for them and keep my educational obligations. When I was about to apply to the FNP [Use abbreviations only after writing t he term or name in full, with the abbreviation in parentheses—e. g. , Return on Investment (ROI), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). ] program, my wife and I spoke about this very topic. We have decided that our daily living would revolve on time management and teamwork. Specific goals were set and we decided up on tentative plan of action, [change to a semicolon] it would be a fluid process based on open communication and time management. I take all the time when our children are in daycare on days that I am not at work to study. Two to three hours each day after the children go to bed are given to homework. And so that we would not lose our sanity two weekends a month are devoted to family entirely. [In formal writing do not begin a sentence with And or But. These words make your writing seem too informal and conversational. ] Because the process being an ever-changing plan if there is time becomes available outside of the plan it would be used for family or e ducation depending on circumstances. In addition [insert comma] my wife is my primary support system, [semicolon] we are each other’s spotter. All of the decisions, schedules, to do to-do list lists, and time management are done together: [semicolon instead of a colon]we are a team. [Level 1 heading] Second very important challenge of graduate learner is a full-time job. It provides recourses to sustain my family, but it is the biggest time taker and energy drainer. Please, do not misunderstand I like my job very much, but in addition it is a source of stress. Sometimes I feel like I am leading double life. One of these two lives is at work being a nurse with procedures, patients, doctors and nurses; concentrating on common goal. At the same time a second life of a graduate student, who locks himself in the office plugs in his laptop and prays that the pager or a telephone would not go off. Like a support system at home I needed to create one at work. I have built a goo d working relationship with my immediate supervisor by keeping open lines of communication. Happy A happy manager is an informed manager and because she knows that work is being done she does not mind seeing me reading read. I, the student can find some quiet time for reading and research. My motto at work is: an unlimited supply of favors to all, try not to say â€Å"no† [insert comma] and at the same time do not let anybody to take advantage of me. People see and feel goodwill, and most try to repay with same. I try to avoid politics and conflicts like a plague because they drain time and increase stress. It all comes down to time management, planning out my day. [Insert level 1 heading] The third and final challenge of my academic carrier and educational sin is procrastination. According to Finnigan (2008), â€Å"There is no way for you to sit down and, as in the famous advertising slogan, â€Å"Just do it,† [Nike’s slogan. You need to mention where th e slogan came from. ] and the intermittent realization of this apparent fact tends to make any work seem rather pointless or futile, thus heightening the attraction of other more pleasant or practicable diversions† (p. 5). I often catch myself, putting off assignments, drifting away in a daydream or an idea, which is not relevant to the subject. It turns in to a major problem when situation involves a deadline. I tend to press on during final hours before a deadline to complete an assignment. To combat this problem, I pay close attention to deadlines. I keep a calendar, which is synchronized with my phone, my home page, and work schedule. Thankfully technology sends me reminders and keeps me on track. Occasionally I would move a deadline closer by one or two days, sort of a white lie strategy, which helps if an assignment is specially difficult. [Level 1 heading – Conclusion] In conclusion all this cChallenges are the parts of one broad skill of time management. T his is an indispensable skill for a graduate student and professional alike. An ability to organize properly ones time greatly impacted by the success level of the project. [Sentence fragment. ] According to Misra and McKean (2000), â€Å"Time management behaviors had a greater buffering effect on academic stress than leisure satisfaction activities. Important relationships were found between some aspects of time management and academic stress† (p. 8). [Your paper will benefit from a stronger conclusion. A concluding paragraph summarizes the main idea, ties the main points together neatly for the reader, and ends with a sense of finality. Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion. ] [The acronym SEES may help you write a better paragraph. S = Short sentence that states the main idea. E = Explanation of the main idea in more detail. E = Example or quotation given to illustrate the main idea. S = Sum up the main idea in a way that leads to the next paragraph. References Fin igan, T. (2008). Expect Delaysdelays: Procrastination and the Graduate graduate Studentstudent. English Studies in Canada, 34(2/3), 4-10. Kramer, L. (2007). A personal reflection: graduate Graduate study challenges and strategies for success. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 26(4), 158-159. Misra, R. , McKean, M. (2000). College students academic stress and its relation to their anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction. American Journal of Health Studies, 16(1), 41. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Graduate Study Challenges and Strategies for Success" essay for you Create order

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Undocumented Immigrants - 1701 Words

Undocumented immigrants provide jobs, pay taxes, and have had many positive outcomes toward the United States therefore, they should be allowed to be granted citizenship without going through all the hardships such as inhumane treatments, labeling/categorizing, harassment and detains. Undocumented immigrants are always supposedly up to no good and seen as the enemy. â€Å"There is no need for immigration so why have it?† you may ask. Throughout the years, many people have traveled to the United States from other countries to get a well paying job in order to maintain their families, to provide everything it takes to be successful for their kids, and overall to have a brighter future. Would people with bad intentions actually go through the†¦show more content†¦Foster homes will not provide the same love and attention that children need. Children are the future of this country, they should be given a chance along with their parents. You never know what one is capable of unless you take the first step and go for it, the United States government is not providing that step. Also, with deportation comes the lack of resources and staff that the immigration system provides. This has led to an unsafe and inhumane conditions of imprisonment for those who have been captured by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. More than 300,000 men, women, and children have been detained yearly. 300,000 is a fairly large amount of people to look after. These people are not going to be receiving the proper health precautions. This starts to become a problem after someone is detained longer than they should be. In fact, the ideal time is 30 days but it could last up to years. People are not informed on how long of a process it is to be granted citizenship as an undocumented immigrant. There are many alternative methods to the harsh, inhumane imprisonment, such as using ankle bracelets, release on bond and in-house visits and reporting requirements. This would lead to th e government saving a great deal of money along with fixing the broken immigration system. Alternatively, immigration has had a negative outlook. It is being enforced by current President Donald Trump that all undocumented immigrants are thieves, thugs, terrorists, and so on.Show MoreRelatedThe Hot Topic of the Immigration Issue Essay examples817 Words   |  4 PagesImmigrants built America into the country it is today. Some were fleeing persecution in their own countries. The immigrants came as free individuals, indentured servants, or slaves. Most came here to pursue a better life. America welcomed those individuals, and it has a process in place for those wishing to gain legal citizenship. The immigration issue is a hot topic in the United States today and concerns individuals who are entering the country illegally. Our representatives are proposing newRead MoreImmigration And The United States1570 Words   |  7 PagesImmigration has been around since the early 20th century. Right now there are more than 11 million immigrants living in the United States. They co me from all over the world but a lot of people think they all come from Central America or South America. They come to the United States looking for a better life than what they had back home. Most of them either come alone or they bring their families with them. If they are closer to the border, they might even try to cross the border illegally. They comeRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is It Really That Big Of A Deal?1084 Words   |  5 Pagesdeal? This paper will be introducing the pros and cons to this subject. There will also be the views politicians of the upcoming 2016 election. This will cover the views of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders. What’s your view towards illegal immigration? There are many pros to this topic, such as the fact that the government would earn more taxes. Most illegal aliens are paid under the table because of the law. If we provided the undocumented workers with amnesty, they could be paidRead MoreUndocumented Workers Essays1259 Words   |  6 Pages The number of undocumented workers in the United States has increased since the rise of our economy. An undocumented worker is a person in a country, like the United States, without the right documents to be proven to be allowed in the country. Many reasons are blamed for the increase of these undocumented workers. Undocumented workers increased because the change in law of the United States made it impossible for foreign workers to go to the country (Zoltan). These laws made a chain of problemsRead MoreIllegal Immigrants And Illegal Immigration964 Words   |  4 Pagessaid that America should send the illegal immigrants back to their country because they are taking American’s jobs. He stated that he would send his dad back to Mexico because he is an illegal immigrant. Going around the circle that we created, everyone gave their opinions, most disagreed, but some agreed with the student. When it was my friend’s turn, she agreed with him and said that teachers, profess ors, friends, and etc. should report any undocumented person to the police. It will also help ifRead MoreThe Importance of Immigration Reform747 Words   |  3 PagesImmigration Reform Due to the 11.7 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States of America, we have come to the realization that our immigration process is flawed and needs to be rejuvenated for the modern times. Many of the problems that come with issuing a new immigration plan, begin with the house coming to an agreement on how to improve immigrant processing, as well as comparing the pros and cons. Undocumented immigration is a problem we cannot ignore, because it is changing manyRead MoreImmigration Reform Essay2152 Words   |  9 Pagesdebate over immigration has become one of the most heated arguments. Immigrants leave their home countries desperate need for food to feed their families, unemployment purposes, their poverty conditions environment, for those who are employed are tired of the below market wages, and the unequal treatment. Today they are about 11 million undocumented workers in the United States and Americans fear that because of this matter, immigrants will increase cost, overwhelm the country, and change American societyRead MoreMy Company Is One Of The Largest Agricultural Producers1250 Words   |  5 Pagessatisfy the economical and expeditious harvest of the seasonal crops. This labor force combined equals almost 25 thousand men and women. The large majority of the work force hired are documented immigrants and are eligible for work in the United States. There is a smaller portion that are undocumented immigrants. They have falsified their eligibility to hide their illegal status and to obtain work. In all the force my company employs 3900 to 4150 workers for a period of 9 weeks of the harvest seasonRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is A Problem For The United States1361 Words   |  6 Pagesthousands of illegal immigrants have come into US through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or through many other ways. Some people entered in country legally through a visit visa, but then have stayed illegally and are working in various places . Illegal immigration is a double enclosed sword; one hand it provide the local economy with cost benefits as the illegal immigrants are not paid so much, while they are more fruitful. On the other hand, these illegal immigrants do not pay taxes andRead MoreThe Immigration Reform And Control Act1621 Words   |  7 PagesThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reported, roughly about 11 million undocumented immigrants reside in the United States (Hoefer, Rytina Baker, 2011). To legalize or not to legalize those undocumented immigrants has always been a major debate in the U.S. When weighing the pros and cons of a legalizing program, my stance is simple. Legalizing undocumented immigrants makes perfect sense, not only for the economy, but also a wonderful humanitarian act. Two economists Sherrie Kossoudji

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Slang Free Essays

Introduction We speak differently in different situations. The way we speak and the choice of words depend on the situation in which the processes of communication is realized. As we are speaking about the functions of all this words in different situations we have to define â€Å"functional style† Under a â€Å"function style† we understand language means peculiar to a specific sphear of communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Slang or any similar topic only for you Order Now The basic vocabulary is the central group of the vocabulary, its historical foundation and living core. Basic vocabulary| Informal| Formal| begin| start, get started| commence| ontinue| go on, get on| proceed| end| finish, be through, be over| terminate| child, baby| kid, brat, beam (dial. )| infant, babe (poet. )| There has been a diversion between formal and informal speech for nearly as long as language has existed, particularly after the advent of written language, which was initially used in correspondence, business and legal proceedings. Aristocrats also adopted more â€Å"high-brow† language also as a way of differentiating themselves from commoners, who were more likely to use colloquialisms in their interactions. Informal vocabulary is used when speaking with friends, relatives, acquaintance. There are several sub-groups in this group:Colloquial words; slang and dialect words Colloquialisms serve the dual purposes of efficiency and showing familiarity between the speaker and the listener. For example, modern speakers of English often use contractions, such as â€Å"how’d† in â€Å"How’d you do it? † as a faster way of articulating a point than using complete words—â€Å"How did you do it? † As a way of expressing closeness and familiarity, friends may say â€Å"What’s up? rather than â€Å"How are you? † or the more formal â€Å"How do you do? † Colloquialisms can also be found in changes in vocabulary, such as the use of â€Å"fave† for â€Å"favorite. † Many linguists differentiate colloquial language from slang and other dialects of a language. Slang is a particular choice of vocabulary and grammar used by a subg roup, such as a certain age group, within a society, unlike colloquial language, which is still considered standard speech and is used by most people within a language group. Still, some colloquialisms may be related to slang. Dialects are separate forms of a related language that is spoken by a group, such as those living a particular region. Colloquial Words A  colloquialism  is a  word,  phrase, or  paralanguage  that is employed in  conversational  or informal language but not in formal speech or  formal writing. Dictionaries often display colloquial words and phrases with the abbreviation  colloq. as an  identifier. Colloquialisms include words (such as y’al  y’l , gonna  , and wanna  ), phrases (such as  old as the hills,  raining cats and dogs, and  dead as a doornail) and  aphorisms  (such as There’s more than one way to skin a cat). Generally, colloquialisms are specific to a  geographical  region. They are used in â€Å"everyday† conversation and, increasingly, through informal online interactions. An example of the regional specificity of colloquialisms is the term used when referring to â€Å"soft drinks†. In the  Upper Midwestern United States  and  Canada, soft drinks are called â€Å"pop†, whilst in other areas, notably the  Northeastern  and far  Western United States, they are referred to as â€Å"soda†. In some areas of Scotland, the term â€Å"ginger† is used. Words that have a formal meaning can also have a colloquial meaning. For example, â€Å"kid† can mean â€Å"young goat† in formal usage and â€Å"child† in colloquial usage. An example of a colloquialism and how it migrates to other areas is the Indian phrase, â€Å"Please do the needful†, meaning, â€Å"Please do what is implied and/or expected†. As the global workplace expands, this once regional phrase is now being used outside the area in which it originated. Some  linguists  make a distinction between colloquialisms and â€Å"slangisms† (slang  words). Slang refers to informal lexical  items used by a specific social group, for instance teenagers,  soldiers,  prisoners, or  surfers. Slang is not considered the same as colloquial speech, which is informal, relaxed speech used on occasion by any speaker; this might include contractions such as you’re, as well as colloquialisms. A colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the broadest sense of the term  colloquialism  might include slangism, its narrow sense does not. Slangisms are often used in colloquial speech but not all colloquialisms are slangisms. One method of distinguishing between a slangism and a colloquialism is to ask whether most native speakers know the word (and use it); if they do, it is a colloquialism. However, the problem is that this is not a discrete, quantized system but a continuum. Although the majority of slangisms are ephemeral and often supplanted by new ones, some gain non-slang colloquial status (e. g. English  silly  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ cf. German  selig  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœblessed’, Middle High  German  s? lde‘bliss, luck’, and  Zelda, a Middle Eastern female first name) and even formal status (e. . English  mob). † Colloquial words are divided into literary-colloquial, familiar-colloquial, and low-colloquial. Literary-colloquial words do not break the norms of the language. We use these words in our everyday speech. EG: He has caught a cold. Many of the cliches belong to this group: EG: ! Thank you! Thanks. These word are also use in fiction. They are used in the speech of the char acters and in modern books, literature, in the author’s narration. familiar-colloquial words sound rude. They are colorful and expressive. They’re used by the young people, who want to be grown up and want to be independent and by those people whose cultural and educational background is poor. EG: I’m fed up with it. low-colloquial words are met in the speech of the illiterate people It should be noted that there is no strict boarder line between literary and familiar col. , and fam. and low colloquial. EG: familiar combinations: â€Å"awfully nice†, â€Å"not so bed† Slang All languages, countries, and periods of history have slang. This is true because they all have had words with varying degrees of social acceptance and popularity. The same linguistic processes are used to create and popularize slang as are used to create and popularize all other words. That is, all words are created and popularized in the same general ways; they are labeled slang only according to their current social acceptance, long after creation and popularization. To fully understand slang, one must remember that a word’s use, popularity, and acceptability can change. Words can change in social level, moving in any direction. Thus, some standard words of William Shakespeare’s day are found only in certain modern-day British dialects. Words that are taboo in one era (e. g. , stomach, thigh) can become accepted, standard words in a later era. Many prove either useful enough to become accepted as standard or informal words or too faddish for standard use. Blizzard and okay have become standard, while conbobberation (â€Å"disturbance†) and tomato (â€Å"girl†) have been discarded. Some words and expressions have a lasting place in slang; for instance, beat it (â€Å"go away†), first used in the 16th century, has neither become Standard English nor vanished. Language is dynamic, and at any given time hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of words and expressions are in the process of changing from one level to another, of becoming more acceptable or less acceptable, of becoming more popular or less popular. Slang is very informal use of words and phrases for more colorful or peculiar style of expression that is shared by the people in the same social subgroup, for example, computer slang, sports slang, military slang, musicians’ slang, students’ slang, underworld slang, etc. Slang is not used by the majority of native speakers and many people consider it vulgar, though quite a few slang phrases have already come into standard usage. Slang contains many obscene and offensive words and phrases. It also has many expressions that are acceptable in informal communicationThe origin of the word slang itself is obscure; it first appeared in print around 1800, applied to the speech of disreputable and criminal classes in London. Slang is a subset of a language used by one particular group. It consists of words and expressions which will not be found in the dictionary, and can be distortions of existing words or entirely invented terms. It is used in informal situations. It is not appropriate in formal situations. is used by all kinds of groups of people who share situations or interests. The group which uses these words is always in the minority, and often use slang to set themselves apart or make it difficult for ordinary people to understand them. When a particular new expressions is known and used by a large majority of the population, it is no longer slang, but part of the regular language or usage. Slang fulfills at least two different functions, depending on whose point of view you take. For the groups that use slang, it is a way to set themselves apart, to express themselves in a distinct and individual way, and sometimes to keep secrets from being known by others. But for the society in general and the development of the language, slang performs another role. For the language, slang is like a linguistic laboratory, where new words and forms can be tested out, applied to a variety of situations, and then either abandoned or incorporated into the regular language. It’s like a trial period for new words. If they allow people to say something that cannot be said using traditional language, and a majority of people accept them, then these words and expressions join their regular language. After a period of between a few months and many years, slang is used by limited groups with something in common. The far majority never reach the popularity and level of use to become regular words, and are soon forgotten and not used. A few reach widespread usage and can be found in each new edition of the popular dictionaries. Many of the words we use everyday and can find in the dictionary began life as slang. Even Shakespeare used slang. The term  dialect  is used in two distinct ways, even by  linguists. One usage refers to a  variety  of a  language  that is a characteristic of a particular group of the language’s speakers. The term is applied most often to regional speech patterns, but a dialect may also be defined by other factors, such as social class. A  standard dialect  (also known as a  standardized dialect  or â€Å"standard language†) is a dialect that is supported by institutions. Such institutional support may include government recognition or designation.   A  nonstandard dialect, like a standard dialect, has a complete vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, but is not the beneficiary of institutional support. References http://www. bu. edu/mfeldman/Slang/ http://www. webspace. ship. edu http://www. englishclub. com en. wikipedia. org How to cite Slang, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Checkpoint Drawing Head Of Lead by Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Quarters by Michelangelo Essay Example For Students

Checkpoint Drawing Head Of Lead by Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Quarters by Michelangelo Essay The 2 drawings that loved and chose to study or Compare are Head Of Lead by Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Quarters by Michelangelo; the two are very interesting to me because they tell me about the artist, for instance Michelangelo drawing is the only surviving portrait drawing that he made and according to the description Michelangelo Was most reluctant to make portrait drawings unless the subject was one Of perfect beauty when he viewer looks at the portrait we can see why he chose to only have perfect beauty the detail of the portrait is almost picture like, every detail is captured including the balanced lighting through the picture and the creases on the clothing it goes beyond just having a person, he was able to capture the essence of the person. Head of Lead by Leonardo da Vinci is also very beautiful yet the detail that Leonardo catches is more anatomically correct rather than capturing the essence of the person whom he was drawing. For example the nose is outlined refectory from nose tip to eye brow the eyes are very anatomically correct their lids are perfectly placed and the lashes are drawn in one by one, Her hair is braided in two buns in what seems to be a series of French braids. We also see how Leonardo style comes through as very relaxed and free formed since his drawing is also like that her posture is very tree flowing and although her hair is braided she does have some hair coming out of it. Both drawings have such differences yet they are very similar, and they show us how these two artist felt about drawing and art in general.