Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bacchae Essay Research Paper In the Bacchae

Bacchae Essay, Research Paper In the Bacchae, for whom do you experience more sympathy? Pentheus or Dionysus? In the Bacchae, Pentheus and Dionysus have really different characters. They are both really complex characters and they both go through alterations that alter the manner you see them. At the beginning of the drama, we are given a really dramatic image of Dionysus at his female parents, Semele? s memorial. He is have oning a Crown of Hedera helix, transporting a thyrse and have oning a dun tegument. It is a really cryptic and haunting scene. When Dionysus speaks he speaks angrily and passionately # 8211 ; you do non acquire the feeling that he is a really hushed character. In contrast, nevertheless, when you foremost run into Pentheus you see him as a really proud adult male. He is outraged with the adult females of Thebes, he has a rigorous sense of his ain beliefs? he merely can non understand why the adult females are taking to believe in a foreign God, an? upstart God? . He is instinctively doubting. He believes that the adult females of Troies have left? on some pretension of Bacchic worship? . He is so misanthropic he candidly can non believe in the power of Bacchus. When we foremost meet the two antagonists face to confront, we at first feel understanding for Dionysus, for he is the captive. Pentheus starts the conversation thought he has the upper manus because he has more power over the state of affairs. However, it is clear to the audience that Dionysus is in control of the state of affairs. He is unagitated and strong. He could hold felt threatened, being in a male monarch? s presence, but alternatively he acts confidently. This could hold made me experience proud of Dionysus for managing the state of affairs so good ; if it was non for the fact that he cruelly mocks Pentheus. Pentheus evidently has no thought that he is speaking to a God, and Dionysus takes full advantage of this. Dionysus drops intimations that he is non merely a Bacchic worshipper, but these are merely obvious to the audience. Dionysus tells us that Dionysus is? near at manus and sees what? s being done to me? . The audience can appreciate the subtly in this, but to Pentheus the adult male is merely arousing him. I think that Pentheus is covetous of Dionysus? power over adult females, long coils and white tegument. This would explicate why he is so arch to Dionysus. Pentheus does non desire to believe that Dionysus is truly the boy of Zeus. I think that deep down he knows that he is and that is why he invariably needs to reassure himself of his royal position. I think Dionysus is cognizant of Pentheus? green-eyed monster and he uses this to his ain advantage. We know that he can pull strings people, as he can do the guard experience guilty for merely conveying him before the male monarch. I can sympathize with Pentheus because it is difficult for him to understand this new, foreign cult, allow entirely accept it. He is a immature and comparatively new male monarch and fresh to his power, without holding it questioned by a alien. He wants to asseverate his power and to be in control. He can non make this when being threatened by an eastern cult. I do disagree, nevertheless, with the manner Pentheus attempts to order Thebes # 8211 ; it should be up to the people of Thebes to do up their ain heads as to their beliefs. If they want to believe that Dionysus is the boy of Zeus, there is nil Pentheus can make to alter their heads. Pentheus is frightened by the manner that the adult females are so certain of themselves, he does non like the manner they are all of a sudden at easiness with nature. What he does non realise is that Dionysus does non desire the adult females to wholly abandon themselves to nature, but merely to recognize his importance and the importance of his worship. There are many qualities that make Dionysus a strong God, he is really wise and helps the people to bury their agony by securing vino. He is besides a prophesier and can enable people t Os see their hereafter. Dionysus is frequently blamed for his female followings being unchaste and without ethical motives. I do non believe that this is a just accusal, as he does non do them move immoral. If they do, so they are already immoral and would hold been so even of they had stayed at place with their households. Teiresias makes this clear when he says ? Dionysus will non oblige adult females to be chaste, since in all affairs self-denial resides in our ain natures? . Dionysus is besides thought to hold been the ground the adult females of Thebes go monsters and plunder the nearby small towns when faced with any resistance or force. I do non believe that this has anything to make with the faith, for when the chorus, the true Drunken revelers, are faced with force they alternatively lie prostrate on the floor naming for their God to deliver them. What I do non hold with though, is the manner Dionysus turns everyone mad. It is non the people of Thebes? mistake that Agau? , Ino and Autonoe believed that a mortal fathered Dionysus. It is really unfair of Dionysus to penalize the whole metropolis. I besides do non hold with the manner that he punishes Cadmus. The adult male has done nil incorrect, he believed in Bacchus and followed his rites. He has to come to footings with the slaying of his grandson, by his ain girl. It is non just to besides ostracize him from his place. Cadmus even entreaties to Dionysus, stating him that? Supreme beings should non be like persons in vengefulness? . His supplications are ignored. There are besides grounds for non sympathizing with Pentheus. He instantly Judgess Dionysus to be an effeminate doormat and mocks him for this. He besides Judgess the adult females of Thebes and the Maenads excessively rapidly. He is xenophobic, racialist and clannish. Whilst these are non admirable features in a individual, they can be excused because Pentheus is merely a person. Dionysus does non hold that alibi. However, Pentheus can sometimes merely be accused of being incompetent. He makes a foolish opinion in locking Dionysus up. He has blatantly ignored the guards? and Dionysus? warnings, about the miracles that Dionysus can execute. In the 3rd scene when Dionysus is runing Pentheus, Pentheus is have oning Bacchanal attire, much as a victim of forfeit would hold. This is a cardinal scene in the drama. It is here that I can clearly see that the functions of Dionysus and Pentheus have been reversed. Now it is Dionysus in control of Pentheus? arrant humiliation. I feel far more sympathy for Pentheus than Dionysus because Pentheus is non cognizant that he is under enchantment or being mocked. Even when it was Dionysus being hunted, he was ever cognizant of what he was making. Pentheus would neer hold humiliated himself by dressing in adult females? s apparels and moving vain, if he had been of sane head. When it eventually comes to the decease of Pentheus, I feel no heat for Dionysus whatsoever. He has cruelly lured Pentheus to his decease and has sent Agaue mad and unable to state that she is slaying her ain boy. Whatever understanding I had one time felt for Dionysus? character is now gone. He has acted in such a cold, hardhearted mode to everyone around him. He has driven every one who did non believe that he was the boy of Zeus mad, every bit good as some who did. He has acted in a revengeful and vindictive mode non suiting for a God. He is the boy of Zeus, but he acts like a resentful person. Pentheus, though he has made some bad determinations, is decidedly the character I feel more sympathy for. Almost all the manner through the drama, he is non cognizant of what is go oning around him, or the manner he is being used. It is rather pathetic to see the manner he tries to appreciation on to his power and saneness. He deludes himself all through the drama that he is the 1 in charge, the 1 with the authorization.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Methods of Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education in the U.K Essay

Methods of Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education in the U.K - Essay Example Generally, teachers and research professionals make available time tabled classes and independent works for a sizeable amount of time based on the course. Independent learning programs play significant role in current education system in U.K. It has often been identified as promoting international standards for educational programs. Independent learning programs ensure more responsibility from the part of students and they also help students to practice effective time management (Quality Improvement Agency). Therefore, independent learning programs and teaching methods are essential for higher education classrooms for international standards. Direct and lecturing methods of teaching also bestow considerable assistance for students in their researches and they ensure desirable learner outcome and academic development among the students from U.K. Education professionals in U.K strongly advocates the implementation of learner centered education programs. Because of this they have design ed teaching methods with the backgrounds of learning theories. Conventional or traditional methods like lecturing, work place training, seminars and group discussion play vital roles in the field of higher education program in United Kingdom. Lecturing permits the students to get up-to date information about their prescribed topics. Seminars and problem solving methods in higher education class rooms help the students to improve personal skills and gain better understanding. All these teaching methods keep an eye on providing quality education for all and methods like seminars and group discussions help the students to acquire knowledge from various sources. Duke Maskell and Ian Robinson inform that â€Å"More whole class teaching will produce nothing but more classes taught as a... This paper approves that process of assessment demands higher level of accuracy and it plays a significant role in education process. Choice of assessment methods are mingled with the overall objectives of the program. In higher secondary level, it contains the systematic development of various disciplinary skills such as problem solving, observation, and creative thinking among the students. Students prepare assignments, essays, portfolio, open book examinations, dissertations and project works related with their prescribed subjects. Methods of problem solving and developing plans include various activities like work-based problem, group work, case analysis and preparing enquiry report and conference programs. This essay makes a conclusion that it is evident that innovative teaching methods and assessment techniques in universities provide sufficient academic development for students. Higher education programs in U.K. practices various teaching methods which included the elements of both traditional and modern teaching methods. Effective assessment methods are developed through the support of various learning theories like cognitive theory and constructivism. Existing teaching methods and assessment programs satisfy students’ requirement. Various fields of higher education in U.K. like language and literature, professional education, electronics and communication and healthcare provide international standard for its curriculum as well teaching and assessment methods.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Human Systems Coordination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Systems Coordination - Essay Example The spinal cord and brain are the central part of the nervous system, and they work receiving and interpreting the signals that the peripheral system sends to them, via the nervous cell called neuron. The following are some of the attributes of each of them: The spinal cord is a thin tubular collection of nerves protected by the vertebral column, and it runs as an extension of the CNS from the medulla oblongata in the brain to the fibrous extension known as the filum terminale, prolonged downward from the apex of the conus medullaris (Fillum terminale, online web 2006). It consists of thirty-one pair of nerves covered by three connective tissues called the meninges. It carries information via electric impulses from the arms, legs and the rest of the body, as well as from the brain to the body (Definition of spinal cord, online web; Spinal cord, from wikipedia). It contains one hundred billion nerve cells, it is considered the most complex organ of the body and it is the centerpiece of the CNS. It is organized in three interconnected layers: the central core, limbic system and the cerebral cortex. Basic life processes such as breathing, pulse, arousal, movement, balance, sleep, and the early stage of processing sensory information are fine-tune through the central core. The limbic system regulates body temperature, blood pressure and blood sugar level, as well as motivated behaviors, emotional states (as anger) and memory processes related with emotional feelings. The cerebral cortex determines intelligence, personality, touch sensation, assists in motor function, initiation of voluntary movement, auditory and visual information, comprehension of spoken language, and cognitive activities, as well as emotional function (Cardoso, 1997; Phillips, 2006; The human brain, online web 2001). Neuron According to their functions, neurons can be classified in three groups: sensory neuron, motor neuron and interneuron. Sensory neurons are the ones that receive information from the outside (e.g. Light), motor neurons pass on messages to the muscles, and the interneuron which receives and sends the messages from and to other neurons (Palmer, 2003). The parts of a neuron are the soma, dendrites and axons. The soma contains mitochondria and all the necessary elements for the cell to survive. The dendrites receive the information from other neurons or stimulus as heat, and the axons are the ones that send these signals away from the soma. The axons can be very long, and they are insulated with a membrane of myelin sheath along them. This semi-permeable membrane selectively limits the passage of charged particles, and when the cell is excited an explosive way of depolarizing current moves along the axon and out into the pre-synaptic terminals. If myelin sheath is stripped off, a process of demyelization occurs and multiple sclerosis can be present (Axon, online web 2001; Palmer, 2003). Neurons send messages electrochemically, and if the stimulus is strong enough and the myelin sheath is active along the axon, a rapid and quick change in electrical activity passes along to other neurons, muscles or other body organs, creating a nerve impulse (see illustration 1) (Nerve impulse, 2007). However, many