Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Adolescence and Child

Questions: 1. Describe what traditional and modern childbirth look like. 2. Summarize the stages of childbirth and common medical interventions. Answers: 1. Many factors related to childbirth have changed as compared to the traditional methods. Today women can expect a safe and healthy journey of herself and her child throughout the period of pregnancy and childbirth due to the various modern childbirth technology, that has minimized the risk of any harm or death to the mother and child (Chertok, 2013). Many drugs are given to the women during labour to control pain. In previous days childbirth used to occur at home and the pain management was dependent on the woman and other people who helped her during childbirth (Dick-Read, 2013). 2. Childbirth specifically includes three main stages (Dick-Read, 2013). The stages are: 1st Stage: This is the longest stage of labour where the cervix widens and contraction of uterus occurs. When the contraction of uterus is the maximum the cervix is completely opened. 2nd Stage: In this stage, mother pushes down the baby with each contraction and gradually the head of the baby appears followed by the rest of the body. 3rd Stage: The placenta gets separated from the wall and is delivered. Medical interventions involved in childbirth are: Electronic Fetal Monitoring is a technology used to monitor the contraction of uterus and response of the baby towards this. Analgesic and anaesthetic medicines are given to the mother in order to control the sensation of pain. Instruments like vacuum extractor and low forceps are used to pull the baby out. Induced labour is the method of starting labour by giving medicine. Caesarean delivery is the method in which incision is made through the uterus to deliver the baby. References: Chertok, L. (Ed.). (2013).Motherhood and personality: Psychosomatic aspects of childbirth(Vol. 2). Routledge. Dick-Read, G. (2013).Childbirth without fear: the principles and practice of natural childbirth. Pinter Martin Ltd.

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